Using your patient’s extracted tooth as bone graft is as simple as 1,2,3.
No AUTOLOGOUS procedure has ever been so simple and produced such predictable results.
The Smart Dentin Grinder - Genesis is an innovative device that easily and quickly converts extracted teeth into high-quality autologous biomaterial referred to as AUTOLOGOUS DENTIN GRAFT.

The Ultimate Bone Graft
Use your patient’s extracted tooth as the ultimate source for bone graft. Leverage autologous properties to achieve quick healing and long term implant stability at a fraction of the cost in a quick and efficient manner.
Use autologous graft without the need to harvest from a secondary site.
Autologous dentin provides an excellent osseoinductive matrix for new bone formation as well as a strong scaffold.
Improve long-term grafting predictability especially for more challenging cases and grafting sites.
Finish cases sooner, load implants earlier, and collect faster. Your patients will appreciate an autologous approach to grafting

Our Protocol
From extraction to bone graft in SEVEN minutes

Yes, Bold Claims but We Have Bold Science to Back it Up.

Fast bone healing and soft tissue response, with immediate attraction of osteogenic cells and stabilization. With excellent and dense bone quality, dentin graft delivers predictable bone remodeling to enhance dental implant longevity while reducing graft cost.

KometaBio’s Protocol Was Created For People Like YOU
Attention General Practitioners: Say goodbye to the challenges of bone resorption and hello to the satisfaction of successful extractions. With our autologous dentin graft solution, you can rest easy knowing that your patients' socket sites will heal perfectly.
Periodontists Rejoice: Trustworthy materials are essential when it comes to restoring defects. And with autologous dentin, you can guarantee the best integration and bone regeneration for even the most complicated cases.
Say goodbye to weak bones: Secure your implant's long-term success with our reliable autologous dentin graft solution. Say goodbye to weak bones and hello to a strong foundation for your implants.
Patients: Experience the natural and cost-effective solution you deserve. Our autologous dentin graft is generated from your own tissue, resulting in quick, painless, and inflammation-free healing. Get the results you want with the biomaterial you trust.

Prof. Ziv Mazor
Leading Periodontist​
...That's why the autogenous dentin graft is so popular in my practice. It's predictable with excellent long-term results.

Isaac D. Tawil DDS
President AIE
Increasing the quality and esthetic outcome of our case and decreasing the risk of infection and rejection.

Snjezana Pohl, MD, DMD
Industry Leader
When the patient with dentin grafted sites returns for implant placement I feel relaxed and confident, knowing that CBCT will show great dimension maintenance
Join the numerous Periodontists, Implantologists, and General Practitioners who have integrated the autologous dentin grafts into their practice

Deep discussion on dentin graft as a predictable option

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