The Smart Dentin Grinder Genesis
Auto grind & sort button
Grinds tooth to particles of 250 - 1200 microns
Sorts out smaller particulate in a separate tray
Additional Specifications​
New Sleek Design
Chamber readiness indicator
Single push button for GRIND & SORT functions
Easier access to graft drawers
New blade design
Enhanced chamber design
The Smart Dentin Grinder unit offers two graft output modalities:
Mineralized Dentin Graft output

KometaBio standard protocol. Use the Dentin cleanser followed by the PBS wash.
Partial demineralized Dentin Graft output

Partial demineralized dentin graft will produce accelerated bone regeneration during the first phase of the healing process. The protocol demineralizes only 10-20% of the mineral, exposing more Growth Factors and BMPs. It still leaves substantial mineralized scaffold.
Protocol only adds 1-2 minutes to the overall process.
Disposable Grinding Chambers
Single-use, sterile and safe
Surgical grade blade for efficient grinding
Clear cover to monitor action

Starter Kit
Smart Dentin Grinder Unit
6 Single Patient Chambers
6 Mixing Dishes
6 Bottles of Dentin Cleanser
6 Bottles of Dentin Wash