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Scientific Publications


Journal of Clinical Medicine, July, 2024

Paulina Adamska, Dorota Pylin´ ska-Da˛browska, Marcin Stasiak, Hanna Sobczak-Zagalska,
Antoni Jusyk, Adam Zedler and Michał Studniarek


Egyptian Dental Journal, January 2025

Hadeel Gamal, Yasmine Ahmed Fouad, Basma Abdelrahman Ahmed and Susan Sarhan


Journal of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery, September 2024

Luis Sanchez-Labrador, DDS, MSc, Marı´a Martı´n-Ares, DMD, MSc, PhD, Jorge Cortes-Breton Brinkmann, DMD, MSc, PhD, Juan Lopez-Quiles, MD, PhD, and Jose Marı´a Martı´nez-Gonzalez, MD, DMD, PhD, MDV 


Anals of Anatomy, Nov. 2022

Luis Sánchez-Labrador; Santiago Bazal-Bonelli; Fabian Pérez-González; Luis Miguel Sáez-Alcaide; Jorge Cortés-Bretón Brinkmann; José María Martínez-González; 

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International Journal of Molecular Science, 09,2024

Anna Olchowy, Cyprian Olchowy, Ireneusz Zawi´slak, Jacek Matys, and Maciej Dobrzy´ nski

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Cureus: Springer Nature - Open Access Review, 10/2024

Divya Suvarna Dixit , Bhushan P. Mundada , Nitin Bhola , Anchal Agarwal

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MDPI: Applied Sciences, systematic review, 11/2024 

Madalena Meném, Alexandre Santos and Paulo Mascarenhas

Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 10/2024

Marija Čandrlić, Ana Terezija Jerbić Radetić, Hrvoje Omrčen, Barbara Franović, Lara Batičić,
Tamara Gulić, Tea Čaljkušić-Mance, Sanja Zoričić Cvek, Lucija Malešić, Željka Perić Kačarević et al.

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Compendium  - July/August 2024

Robert A. Horowitz, DDS; and Gregori M. Kurtzman, DDS, MAGD


Giulia Mazzucchi, Alessia Mariano, Giorgio Serafini, Luca Lamazza, Anna Scotto d’Abusco, Alberto De Biase, and Marco Lollobrigida; June 2024

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Autogenous Dentin Graft in Bone Defects after Lower Third Molar Extraction: A Split-Mouth Clinical Trial

Luis Sánchez-Labrador, María Martín-Ares, Ricardo Ortega-Aranegui, Juan López-Quiles
and José María Martínez-González; July 2020

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Primera Scientific Publications

Bone Regeneration Surgery for Vertical Augmentation using the
KometaBio System

3Carrasco Vicente, Department of Implantology Institute of Dental Sciences, Mexico;

November 2023

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Clinical and Experimental Dental Research

Auto‐dentin platelet‐rich fibrin matrix is an alternative biomaterial for different augmentation procedures: A retrospective case series report

Abdusalam Alrmali; Muhammad H. A. Saleh; | John Mazzocco; Jacob M. Zimmer; Tiziano Testori; Hom‐Lay Wang;  November 2023

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Frozen Stored Teeth: Autogenous Dentin as an Alternative Augmentation Material in Dentistry

Michael Korsch, Kurt Werner Alt and Frederick Reza Mock

June 2023

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The Use of Human Sterilized Crushed Tooth Particles Compared with BTCP Biomaterial and Empty Defects in Bone Formation inside Critical Rabbit Calvaria Sites

José Luis Calvo-Guirado , Marta Belén Cabo-Pastor , Francisco Martínez-Martínez , Miguel Ángel Garcés-Villalá , Félix de Carlos-Villafranca , Nuria García-Carrillo  and Manuel Fernández-Domínguez 

April 2023

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Proof of Principle: human histologic demonstration of socket healing with socket shield and grafting using non-demineralized autologous tooth dentin graft

Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology

Snježana Pohl, Narayan Tondikulam Venkataraman, Jelena Tomac

April 2023

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Human Histologic Analysis of Implant Osseointegration in a Healed Site Grafted with Nondemineralized Autologous Tooth-Derived Graft Material

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry

Snjezana Pohl, MD, DMD' Hari Prasad, BS, MDT, MS? Sanjana Prasad, BDS G. A. Kotsakis, DDS, MS3

November 2022

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How Much Disinfected Ground Tooth Do We Need to Fill an Empty Alveolus after Extraction? Experimental in vitro Study

Indian Journal of Dental Sciences

José Luis Calvo‐Guirado, Felix De Carlos‐Villafranca, Miguel Angel Garcés‐Villalá, Nuria García‐Carrillo, Vidushi Jindal, Francisco Martínez‐Martinez

November 2022

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Tooth-Derived Matrix Granules for Enhanced Bone Healing: Chemical Composition, Morphological Aspects, and Clinical Outcomes


Júlio C. M. Souza , Mario Escobar , Inês Sofia Pimentel , João Caramês , Wim Teughels 6, Filipe Silva and Bruno Henriques 

November 2022


Efficacy of the autogenous dentin graft for implant placement: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 

B. Mahardawia, S. Jiaranucharta, K.A. Tompkinsb, A. Pimkhaokhama

November 2022

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Use of mineralized dentin graft in augmentation of different indication areas in the jaw bones


Bunjamin Xhaferi, Marija Peeva Petreska, Arbër Xheladini, Ivana Papić

October 2022


Utilization of Bioactive Dentin for Guided Bone Regeneration as Part of Implant Treatment


Robert A. Horowitz, DDS; Gregori M. Kurtzman, DDS, MAGD; and José Luis Calvo-Guirado, DDS, PhD, Eu PhD, MS

June 2022


Autogenous tooth bone graft material prepared chairside and its clinical applications: a systematic review

International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 

B.Mahardawi;S.Rochanavibhata; S.Jiaranuchart; S.Arunjaroensuk; N.Mattheos; A.Pimkhaokham;

May 2022


Autogenous Particulate Dentin in Socket Site Preservation Procedures: Histologic and Histomorphometric Observations

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants

Zvi Artzi, DMD, Prof/Erez Netanely, BSc, DMD/Uri Renert, MSc, DMD

April 2022

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X‐ray Micro‐Computed Tomography Characterization of Autologous Teeth Particle Used in Postextraction Sites for Bone Regeneration. An Experimental Study in Dogs

Indian Journal of Dental Sciences

José Luis Calvo‐Guirado, Felix de Carlos‐Villafranca, Miguel Garcés‐Villalá, Nuria García‐Carrillo, Vidushi Jindal, Francisco Martínez‐Martinez

April 2022


Lateral Alveolar Ridge Augmentation with Autologous Dentin of Periodontally Compromised Teeth: A Retrospective Study

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Michael Korsch, Marco Peichl and Andreas Bartols
April 2022


Traumatic Mandibular Cyst Defect Grafted with Autologous Dentin and Platelet-Rich Fibrin Composite: A Case Report

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry

Yan Vares, Itzhak Binderman, Kristina Galyant
March 2022


Autologous Biomaterials and Their Application in Post-Extraction Dental Implants in Areas of High Aesthetic Compromise. A Case Report.

Acta Scientific Dental Studies

Luis Armando, Fernández Chávez, Vicente Carrasco* and Gutiérrez de Lara
March 2022

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Autologous Dentin Graft after Impacted Mandibular Third Molar Extraction to Prevent Periodontal Pocket Formation—A Split-Mouth Pilot Study

Materials - MDPI

Giulia Mazzucchi, Marco Lollobrigida , Luca Lamazza, Giorgio Serafini, Dario Di Nardo Luca Testarelli and Alberto De Biase
February 2022


Tooth-Derived Granules in Combination with Platelet-Rich Fibrin (“Sticky Tooth”) in Socket Preservation: A Histological Evaluation

Dentistry Journal

Andreas van Orten, Werner Goetz  and Hakan Bilhan,
February 2022


Autologous Tooth Dentin Graft: A Retrospective Study in Humans


José Manuel Cervera-Maillo, David Morales-Schwarz , Hilde Morales-Melendez, Lanka Mahesh and José Luis Calvo-Guirado
December 2021


Autologous Tooth Structure as an Adjunct Grafting Modality

Dentistry Today

Scott D Ganz, DMD & Isaac Tawil, DDS

October 2021

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Effectiveness of Chemical Disinfection in Eliminating Pathogenic Bacteria in Human Particulate Tooth Graft: An In vitro Study

Indian Journal of Dental Sciences

Calvo‐Guirado JL, Garcés‐Villalá MA, Mahesh L, De Carlos‐Villafranca

October 2021

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Temporary Implants and Particulate Dentin Graft ProtectingTraditional Implants in Severe Periodontal Patient

Indian Journal of Dental Sciences

Jose Luis Calvo - Guirado

July 2021


Current State of Bone Replacement Grafting Materials for Dental Implants


Robert A. Horowitz, DDS

September 2021
Volume 42, Issue 8

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Tooth shell technique: A proof of concept with the use of autogenous dentin block grafts

Australian Dental Journal

M Korsch

August 2021


Retrospective Study on Tooth Shell Technique Using Endodontically Treated Teeth in Lateral Ridge Augmentation

Applied Sciences

Calvo‐Guirado JL, Garcés‐Villalá MA, Mahesh L, De Carlos‐Villafranca

September 2021
Volume 42, Issue 8

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Autogenous Mineralized Dentin versus Xenograft granules in Ridge Preservation for Delayed Implantation in Post-extraction Sites: A Randomized controlled clinical trial with an 18 months follow-up

Clinical Oral Implants Research

Alexandre Santos, João Botelho, Vanessa Machado, Gonçalo Borrecho, Luís Proença, José João Mendes, Paulo Mascarenhas, Gil Alcoforado

June 2021


Effectiveness of Autologous Tissue Grafts on Soft Tissue Ingrowth in Patients Following Partial Root Extraction with Socket Shield: A Retrospective Analysis of a Case Series

Snježana Pohl, MD, DMD/Itzhak Binderman, DMD/Darko Božić, DMD/Lior Shapira, DMD/Narayan Tondikulam Venkataraman, MDS

JOMI  Volume 36 issue 2,  Pages: 362-370;  DOI: 10.11607/jomi.8581

April 2021


Dentin particulate autograft for alveolar ridge augmentation – a pilot clinical study

Luka Marković  Igor Smojver  Vuletić Marko  Tomislav Katanec  Ivica Pelivan  Dragana Gabrić

April 2021


The Use of Autogenous Teeth for Alveolar Ridge Preservation:

A literature Review

Applied Sciences

João Cenicante, João Botelho, Vanessa Machado, José João Mendes, Paulo Mascarenhas, Gil Alcoforado, and Alexandre Santos

April 2021


Retrospective Study: Lateral Ridge Augmentation Using Autogenous Dentin: Tooth-Shell Technique vs. Bone-Shell Technique

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Michael Korsch, Marco Peichl

March 2021

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Use of Autologous Dentin Graft In Augmentation of Bone Defects in Jaw Bone: 

Autologous Dentin Graft a very effective regenerative material in filling bone defects of the jaw bones and as such, together with other graft materials , can be considered  the gold standard in augmentation

Apolonia Albanian dental journal

Bunjamin Xhaferi, Marija P. Peeva , Gordana J. Atanasoski, Arber Xheladini , Laurant Murtezai

February 2021

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Evaluation of Human Periodontal Ligament and Osteosarcoma Cell Attachment and Viability on Particulate Bone and Dentin Allografts

Global Science Library

Vasundhara Bhaskar Rikame, Robert A Horowitz and Yogesh Sharad Doshi

August 2020


Prevention of Periodontal Pocket Formation after Mandibular Third Molar Extraction Using Dentin Autologous Graft: A Split Mouth - Case Report

Hindawi – Case Reports in Dentistry

Department of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Alberto De Biase , Giulia Mazzucchi , Dario Di Nardo , Marco Lollobrigida , Giorgio Serafini , and Luca Testarelli 

September 2020

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Indian Journal of Dental Sciences

Guntakala Vikram Reddy, Atchuta Abhinav, Suryakanth Malgikar, Ch. Bhagyashree, P. Raja Babu, G. Jagadish Reddy, S. Vidya Sagar


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Autogenous Dentin Graft in Bone Defects after Lower Third Molar Extraction: A Split-Mouth Clinical Trial


Luis Sánchez-Labrador, María Martín-Ares, Ricardo Ortega-Aranegui, Juan López-Quiles and José María Martínez-González


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Application of Autogenous Dentin - Alveolar Management with Histological Study - German

Implantologie Journal

Andreas van Orten, M.Sc., M.Sc., Dr. med. dent. Dirk Krischik, M.Sc., M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Werner Götz



Bone Augmentation by Anatomical Region: Techniques and Decision‐Making

Bone Augmentation by Anatomical Region: Techniques and Decision‐Making

Zvi Artzi DMD



Maintenance of Alveolar Ridge Dimensions Utilizing an Extracted Tooth Dentin Particulate Autograft


Snjezana Pohl, Itzhak Binderman, and Jelena Tomac


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Autogenous Dentin Grafting of Osseous Defects Distal to Mandibular Second Molars

Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry 

Avi Kuperschlag, DDS, MSc; Greta Keršytė; Gregori M. Kurtzman, DDS; and Robert A. Horowitz, DDS



Healing Dynamics Following Alveolar Ridge Preservation with Autologous Tooth Structure

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry

Ziv Mazor, Robert Horowitz, Hari Prasad and Georgios Kotsakis


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Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry

Pikos Institute

Michael A. Pikos and Richard J. Miron



Creating an Autogenous Graft From Extracted Teeth

Dentistry Today

Timothy Kosinski


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Combining Autologous Particulate Dentin, L-PRF and Fibrinogen to Create a Matrix for Predictable Ridge Preservation: A Pilot Clinical Study

Clinical Oral Investigations

Prof. Nelson Pinto, Catherine Andrade, Joaquin Camino, Mauricio Nally, Marc Quriynen

April 2019


New Bone Formation Using an Extracted Tooth as a Biomaterial: A Case Report with Histologic Evidence

International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry

Daniele Cardaropoli, Myron Nevins and Peter Schupbach

March 2019

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Use of Autologous Tooth Derived Graft in the Post Extraction Dental Socket

Oral Surgery Publication

Alejandra del Canto-Diaz, Joaquin de Elio-Oliveros and Jose Maria Martinez Gonzalez

January 2019 

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Use of Dentin as Biomaterial for Bone Augmentation

The Modern Dentist

Jose Luis Calvo, Manuel Fernandez Dominguez, Pilar Cegarra del Pino and Alvaro Ballester Montilla 

January 2019

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The Use of Autogenous Dentin Particulate Graft for Alveolar Ridge Preservation

Next-Generation Biomaterials

Richard J. Miron and Yufeng Zhang


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Use of Autologous Tooth Derived Graft Material in the Post-Extraction Dental Socket

Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 

Alejandra del Canto-Diaz, Joaquin de Elio-Oliveros and Jose-Maria Martinez-Gonzalez


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Particulated, Extracted Human Teeth Characterization by SEM–EDX Evaluation as a Biomaterial for Socket Preservation: An in vitro Study


Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado, Alvaro Ballester Montilla and Jose Eduardo Mate-Sanchez de Val



The Use of Tooth Particles as a Biomaterial in Post-Extraction Sockets - Experimental Study in Dogs

Dentistry Journal

Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado, Jose Eduardo Mate-Sanchez de Val and Rafael Arcesio Delgado-Ruiz

January 2019

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Tooth Graft Socket Augmentation and Immediate Implant Placement Report

Revista Stomatologjike

Proc. Dr. Shk. Gurien Demiraqi, Eriola Nocka, Ervin Sulaj

March 2019

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Osseous Veterinary SiteReconstruction Utilizing Autologous Dentin from Extracted Teeth

Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis

Rocco E. Mele, Gregori M. Kurtzman and Itzhak Binderman


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Efficacy of Autogenous Tooth Roots for Lateral Alveolar Ridge Augmentation and Staged Implant Placement

Accepted Article 

Prof. Frank Schwarz



A New Procedure for Processing Extracted Teeth for Immediate Grafting in Post-Extraction Sockets

Annals of Anatomy

Jose Luis Calvo Guirado, Pilar Cegarra del Pino and Sergio Alexandre Gehrke


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Extracted Teeth are No Longer a Biological Waste. They Can Best Preserve Alveolar Ridge - Clinical Evaluation

PSI Implant Dentistry

Itzhak Binderman and Mariusz Duda



New Procedure to Process Extracted Teeth as Graft in Alveolar Ridge Post-Extraction - Study in Dogs

Annals of Anatomy

Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado


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Bone Graft Material Derived From Extracted Tooth

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine and Pathology

Timothy Kosinski Manop Khanijou, Dutmanee Seriwatanchai and Natthamet Wongsirichat

July 2018


Alveolar Ridge Preservation with Autologous Particulated Dentin

International Journal of Implant Dentistry

Silvio Valdec, Palva Pasic and Martin Rucker

March 2017


Comparative Alveolar Ridge Preservation Using Allogenous Tooth Graft versus Free-dried Bone Allograft

Contemporary Clinical Dentistry

Chaitanya Pradeep Joshi, Cynthia Bernardo D'Lima and Nitin Hemchandra Dani

April 2017


Innovative Socket Grafting Technique in Preparation for Dental Implants

The Profitable Dentist

Timothy Kosinski



Osseous Veterinary SiteReconstruction UtilizingAutologous Dentin from Extracted Teeth

International Journal of Oral Implantology & Clinical Research

Rocco E. Mele, Gregori M. Kurtzman, Itzhak Binderman and Lanka Mahesh



Periodontally Diseased Tooth Roots Used for Lateral Alveolar Ridge Augmentation

Journal of Clinical Periodontology 

Frank Schwarz, Vladimir Golubovic, Ilja Mihatovic and Jurgen Becker



Greffe de dentine autologue et' pre'servation de la cre^te alv'eolaire

Information Dentaire


July 2016

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A Novel Procedure to Process Extracted Teeth for Immediate Grafting of  Autogenous Dentin

Interdisciplinary Medicine and Dental Science 

Itzhak Binderman, Hallel Gideon and Lari Sapoznikov



Alveolar Ridge Preservation: Particulate Dentin of Extracted Teeth are Optimal for Immediate Grafting of Extracted Site


Itzhak Binderman, Gideon Hallel and Marius Leretter

October 2014


A Prospective Study on the Effectiveness of Newly Developed Autogenous Tooth Bone Graft Material

The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics

Sang-Ho Jun, Jin-Soo Ahn and Young-Kyun Kim

December 2014


Autogenous teeth used for bone grafting: a comparison with traditional grafting materials

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Young-Kyun Kim, Su-Gwan Kim and Gyung-Wook Kim

January 2014


Healing Mechanism and Clinical Application of Autogenous Tooth Bone Graft Material

Intech Open

Young-Kyun Kim, Jeong Keun Lee and Masaru Murata

March 2013

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Analysis of Organic Components and Osteoinductivity in Autogenous Tooth Bone Graft Material

Journal of Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Young-Kyun Kim, Jeong Keun Lee and Masaru Murata

March 2013


Autograft of Dentin Materials for Bone Regeneration

InTech Open

Masaru Murata, Toshiyuki Akazawa and Chunlin Qin

March 2013


New Bone Formation Around Xenogenic Dentin Grafts to Rabbit Tibia Marrow

Dental Traumatology

Al Asfour, Andersson L., M. Kamal and Joseph B.

December 2013

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Evaluation of Osteoconductive and Osteogenic Potential of a Dentin Based Bone Substitute Using a Calvarial Defect Model

International Journal of Dentistry

Ibrahim Hussain, Keyvan Moharamzadeh and Luiz A. Salata



Tissue Engineering of Bone: Critical Evaluation of Scaffold Selection

InTech Open

Itzhak Binderman, Avinoam Yaffe and Philippe Russe

April 2012

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Clinical Application of Auto-Tooth Bone Graft Material

Journal of Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Sung-Min Park, In-Woong Um, Young-Kyum Kim and Kyoung-Wook Kim

February 2012


Human Dentin as Novel Biomaterial for Bone Regeneration

InTech Open

Masaru Murata, Toshiyuki Akazawa and Young Kyun-Kim



Processed Allogenic Dentine as A Scaffold for Bone Healing

Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 

Dr. Al- Namnam, Shanmuhasuntharam, Dr. Ha K.O. and Prof. Siar C.H.



Dentin Xenografts to Experimental Bone Defects in Rabbit Tibia are Ankylosed and Undergo Osseous Replacement

Dental Traumatology

Andersson L.



Development of a Novel Bone Grafting Material Using Autogenous Teeth

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Young-Kyun Kim, Su-Gwan Kim and Suk-Young Kim

April 2010


A New Method for Alveolar Bone Repair Using Extracted Teeth for the Graft Material

Journal of Periodontology

Tomoki Nampo, Junichi Watahiki and Koutaro Maki

September 2010


Regenerative Medicine of Bone and Teeth

Journal of Hard Tissue Biology

Toshiyuki Kawakami, Yoshinori Kuboki and Makoto Arisue



Bone Engineering Using Human Demineralized Dentin Matrix and Recombinant Human BMP-2

International Symposium of Maxillofacial & Oral Regeneration

Masaru Murata


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Intact Growth Factors are Conserved in the Extracellular Matrix of Ancient Human Bone and Teeth

Biol. Chem. 

Tyede H Schimdt - Schultz and Michael Schultz

August 2005


Recycled Dentin Root Matrix for a Carrier of Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein

Journal of Oral Implantology

Masao Ike and Marshall R. Urist


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