Scientific Publications
Journal of Clinical Medicine, July, 2024
Paulina Adamska, Dorota Pylin´ ska-Da˛browska, Marcin Stasiak, Hanna Sobczak-Zagalska,
Antoni Jusyk, Adam Zedler and Michał Studniarek
Egyptian Dental Journal, January 2025
Hadeel Gamal, Yasmine Ahmed Fouad, Basma Abdelrahman Ahmed and Susan Sarhan
Journal of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery, September 2024
Luis Sanchez-Labrador, DDS, MSc, Marı´a Martı´n-Ares, DMD, MSc, PhD, Jorge Cortes-Breton Brinkmann, DMD, MSc, PhD, Juan Lopez-Quiles, MD, PhD, and Jose Marı´a Martı´nez-Gonzalez, MD, DMD, PhD, MDV
Anals of Anatomy, Nov. 2022
Luis Sánchez-Labrador; Santiago Bazal-Bonelli; Fabian Pérez-González; Luis Miguel Sáez-Alcaide; Jorge Cortés-Bretón Brinkmann; José María Martínez-González;
International Journal of Molecular Science, 09,2024
Anna Olchowy, Cyprian Olchowy, Ireneusz Zawi´slak, Jacek Matys, and Maciej Dobrzy´ nski
Cureus: Springer Nature - Open Access Review, 10/2024
Divya Suvarna Dixit , Bhushan P. Mundada , Nitin Bhola , Anchal Agarwal
MDPI: Applied Sciences, systematic review, 11/2024
Madalena Meném, Alexandre Santos and Paulo Mascarenhas
Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 10/2024
Marija Čandrlić, Ana Terezija Jerbić Radetić, Hrvoje Omrčen, Barbara Franović, Lara Batičić,
Tamara Gulić, Tea Čaljkušić-Mance, Sanja Zoričić Cvek, Lucija Malešić, Željka Perić Kačarević et al.
Compendium - July/August 2024
Robert A. Horowitz, DDS; and Gregori M. Kurtzman, DDS, MAGD
Giulia Mazzucchi, Alessia Mariano, Giorgio Serafini, Luca Lamazza, Anna Scotto d’Abusco, Alberto De Biase, and Marco Lollobrigida; June 2024
Autogenous Dentin Graft in Bone Defects after Lower Third Molar Extraction: A Split-Mouth Clinical Trial
Luis Sánchez-Labrador, María Martín-Ares, Ricardo Ortega-Aranegui, Juan López-Quiles
and José María Martínez-González; July 2020
Primera Scientific Publications
Bone Regeneration Surgery for Vertical Augmentation using the
KometaBio System
3Carrasco Vicente, Department of Implantology Institute of Dental Sciences, Mexico;
November 2023
Clinical and Experimental Dental Research
Auto‐dentin platelet‐rich fibrin matrix is an alternative biomaterial for different augmentation procedures: A retrospective case series report
Abdusalam Alrmali; Muhammad H. A. Saleh; | John Mazzocco; Jacob M. Zimmer; Tiziano Testori; Hom‐Lay Wang; November 2023
Frozen Stored Teeth: Autogenous Dentin as an Alternative Augmentation Material in Dentistry
Michael Korsch, Kurt Werner Alt and Frederick Reza Mock
June 2023
The Use of Human Sterilized Crushed Tooth Particles Compared with BTCP Biomaterial and Empty Defects in Bone Formation inside Critical Rabbit Calvaria Sites
José Luis Calvo-Guirado , Marta Belén Cabo-Pastor , Francisco Martínez-Martínez , Miguel Ángel Garcés-Villalá , Félix de Carlos-Villafranca , Nuria García-Carrillo and Manuel Fernández-Domínguez
April 2023
Proof of Principle: human histologic demonstration of socket healing with socket shield and grafting using non-demineralized autologous tooth dentin graft
Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology
Snježana Pohl, Narayan Tondikulam Venkataraman, Jelena Tomac
April 2023
Human Histologic Analysis of Implant Osseointegration in a Healed Site Grafted with Nondemineralized Autologous Tooth-Derived Graft Material
The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry
Snjezana Pohl, MD, DMD' Hari Prasad, BS, MDT, MS? Sanjana Prasad, BDS G. A. Kotsakis, DDS, MS3
November 2022
How Much Disinfected Ground Tooth Do We Need to Fill an Empty Alveolus after Extraction? Experimental in vitro Study
Indian Journal of Dental Sciences
José Luis Calvo‐Guirado, Felix De Carlos‐Villafranca, Miguel Angel Garcés‐Villalá, Nuria García‐Carrillo, Vidushi Jindal, Francisco Martínez‐Martinez
November 2022
X‐ray Micro‐Computed Tomography Characterization of Autologous Teeth Particle Used in Postextraction Sites for Bone Regeneration. An Experimental Study in Dogs
Indian Journal of Dental Sciences
José Luis Calvo‐Guirado, Felix de Carlos‐Villafranca, Miguel Garcés‐Villalá, Nuria García‐Carrillo, Vidushi Jindal, Francisco Martínez‐Martinez
April 2022
Autogenous Mineralized Dentin versus Xenograft granules in Ridge Preservation for Delayed Implantation in Post-extraction Sites: A Randomized controlled clinical trial with an 18 months follow-up
Clinical Oral Implants Research
Alexandre Santos, João Botelho, Vanessa Machado, Gonçalo Borrecho, Luís Proença, José João Mendes, Paulo Mascarenhas, Gil Alcoforado
June 2021
Effectiveness of Autologous Tissue Grafts on Soft Tissue Ingrowth in Patients Following Partial Root Extraction with Socket Shield: A Retrospective Analysis of a Case Series
Snježana Pohl, MD, DMD/Itzhak Binderman, DMD/Darko Božić, DMD/Lior Shapira, DMD/Narayan Tondikulam Venkataraman, MDS
JOMI Volume 36 issue 2, Pages: 362-370; DOI: 10.11607/jomi.8581
April 2021
Dentin particulate autograft for alveolar ridge augmentation – a pilot clinical study
Luka Marković Igor Smojver Vuletić Marko Tomislav Katanec Ivica Pelivan Dragana Gabrić
April 2021
The Use of Autogenous Teeth for Alveolar Ridge Preservation:
A literature Review
Applied Sciences
João Cenicante, João Botelho, Vanessa Machado, José João Mendes, Paulo Mascarenhas, Gil Alcoforado, and Alexandre Santos
April 2021
Retrospective Study: Lateral Ridge Augmentation Using Autogenous Dentin: Tooth-Shell Technique vs. Bone-Shell Technique
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Michael Korsch, Marco Peichl
March 2021
Use of Autologous Dentin Graft In Augmentation of Bone Defects in Jaw Bone:
Autologous Dentin Graft a very effective regenerative material in filling bone defects of the jaw bones and as such, together with other graft materials , can be considered the gold standard in augmentation
Apolonia Albanian dental journal
Bunjamin Xhaferi, Marija P. Peeva , Gordana J. Atanasoski, Arber Xheladini , Laurant Murtezai
February 2021
Prevention of Periodontal Pocket Formation after Mandibular Third Molar Extraction Using Dentin Autologous Graft: A Split Mouth - Case Report
Hindawi – Case Reports in Dentistry
Department of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Alberto De Biase , Giulia Mazzucchi , Dario Di Nardo , Marco Lollobrigida , Giorgio Serafini , and Luca Testarelli
September 2020
Indian Journal of Dental Sciences
Guntakala Vikram Reddy, Atchuta Abhinav, Suryakanth Malgikar, Ch. Bhagyashree, P. Raja Babu, G. Jagadish Reddy, S. Vidya Sagar
Clinical Oral Implants Research